One Absent Owner, One Creative
This business had a historically successful stream of work that was rapidly drying up. The Creative had a new idea to pivot the business but had no idea how to get the largely absent owner of the business onboard and invested. We broke a few eggs, bashed some heads together , designed a launch plan and got the new product to market in under 3 months
Careering from one cash flow crisis to another , this small business employing 20 zero hours sub contractors to deliver their service had loads of potential but no idea how to stabilise and grow. Together we re-engineered how the business was being run, stripped out unnecessary costs that were more about vanity than the delivery of the service and put it on a firm footing for the future
This small retailer had a business with a hundred year pedigree , but relied on footfall. Then the pandemic struck. Close the doors or find a way through the mele was the question. Together we found a pivot that not only stabilised the existing revenue streams but opened up a number of new business opportunities requiring almost no investment and allowed the business not only to trade, but to grow by '00s of %
This majority business owner wanted to exit their successful professional services business , but protect their and the businesses financial future at the same time. Together we negotiated a management buyout that achieved both
Most business owners look to that time when they can step back and hand over the reins to the next generation. Most also think that the next generation can't run the business as well as they can. We worked out a way together to protect the future at the same time as maintaining the present.
This small boutique advisory firm was on a typical journey of growth followed by contraction for years. Together we worked with the owner and the team to put in place basic processes that provided a stable launch platform so the business never again came down to earth with a bump.
There are deliberately no specific details in these case studies....what James discusses with people is for them to share not him
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